The size, depth and location of the wound determine the severity of the burn.
The age of the victim and any additional injuries or conditions also play a role.
Is the victim a baby, toddler or preschooler? Then always go to the doctor!
Cool the burn immediately. Within 20 minutes of the burn, cool all affected parts of the body for 20 minutes, preferably with lukewarm water (the coolest the victim can tolerate for 20 minutes).
Immediately irrigating the burn with lukewarm water for at least 20 minutes lowers the temperature of the burned skin and thus prevents the heat from the burn from continuing to aggravate the injuries. In some cases, this simple gesture allows spontaneous healing.
it is essential to thoroughly irrigate the burn wound with lukewarm water for 30 to 60 minutes. The urgency is to dilute and remove the chemical as soon as possible after contact.
In exceptional cases, you may not have running water.
In that case, a Burn Care compress can be used. These compresses can also provide appropriate relief when transporting a burn patient.
Using Detectaplast Burn Care Hydrogel dressing and/or gel is a safe, efficient and full-fledged cooling method for burns.
Burn Care Gel and dressings are sterile packaged and are based on an aqueous, milky white to clear hydrogel consisting of 90% water. The dressings are available in different sizes for different body parts and are made of a synthetic foam. This can fix a maximum amount of gel and fits seamlessly to all parts of the body.
Scientific research shows that Hydrogel has exactly the same cooling effect as lukewarm water. There is a measurable positive effect on the depth and size of the wound and consequently on the healing.
Burn Care pulls the heat out of the burned skin. Burn Care is available as a compress (dressing) and as a gel.
The compresses are not suitable for long-term treatment of the burn wound.
They serve only as an initial means to cool the wound and relieve pain.
Do not use for longer than 30minutes to prevent hypothermia.
When caring for burn wounds, hygiene is of utmost importance!
Burn Care compresses are sterile. Always wash hands thoroughly and preferably use gloves to open the package.
If the burn is larger than a 2 Euro coin or touches the face or blisters develop: cover the burn and consult your doctor or go to a hospital emergency department.
If the burn is larger than the hand (of the victim): cover the burn and go to an emergency department or the nearest burn center. When in doubt, call emergency services (999), do not give anything to drink or eat, make sure the victim does not cool down.